Cooking/CyberChip Resources


PDF of the workbook we’ve been using as a reference.
BSA requirements page for Cooking

Parts covered already:
#1 – completed (4/1 #1E, 4/22 #1A-D)
#2 B, E – completed (4/1)
#3 A-C (homework from 4/8/2020)
#5 A (homework assigned 4/15/2020)
#7 – completed (5/6)
#4A and 6 A – (homework assigned 5/6)
#4, 5 and 6 are all meal planning, prep, cooking and review – at home, at camp (or at home during the “stay at home”) and on the trail. Aspects of these can all be done at home.

I was told that some of the calorie info on the site isn’t easy to find, so I found this other resource: (for example, chicken information)


Grades 6-8 requirements
Grades 9-12 requirements

Friend or Fake
Post to be private
Split Decisions
Two Kinds of Stupid