2019-09-11 Meeting notes and Scoutmaster Minute

Some notes and links that came up during tonights meeting, along with the “Scoutmaster Minute”.

Notes/Links from tonight:

Scouting App – iOS/Android app that gives parents/scouts easy access to the same data in the ScoutBook website. An article with links and some detail.

Survey I discussed: Building Evidence in Scouting Together (BEST)
Video about the survey
BSA Magazine article about the study

Someone asked about the post I made about “Merit Badges you can earn by going to school…“. Posts in the “From the Scoutmaster” category can be found here.

Scoutmaster Minute

Some of us remember exactly what we were doing the morning of September 11, 2001. None of you were alive then – you hadn’t been born, and it’s something you learned about in school. For many of the adults in this room, the events of 18 years ago are still fresh in our minds, and can still be difficult to remember.

I like to remember what occurred the days, weeks and months that followed 9/11/01.

Patriotism was strong – many stores sold out of US flags.

Neighbors helped neighbors, strangers helped strangers, and differences were put aside.

A general sense of caring for each other covered this country.

Now fast forward to today – what do we see? Selfishness, sense of entitlement, lack of caring for others and it seems that everything has turned political even though it shouldn’t be.

I look at each of you and I see a great group of young men. Each of you can and should play a roll in our country’s future. Not just as Scouts, but as people who care. Think about how you can help to make our country just a little better. If we all give a little of the good in ourselves and spread it around, just think of the great things we will see start to happen.

I want to challenge each of you to touch someone’s life; whether it to become friends with someone who doesn’t have a friend or is new; to stand up for someone who is being bullied; or visiting an elderly neighbor. Those are just a few examples of how you can touch someone and be something positive in their lives. The challenge is simply to be positive, and encourage others to also be positive.

(The above is a combination of my own thoughts and some ideas from other Scoutmasters)